3 Signs Your Tree Needs Trimming

Trees can make a property look beautiful, provide shade and shelter, and make for great photos. They can also cause catastrophic damage. Here are three indicators that your trees may need a trim:


Foliage is a great indicator of the heath of a tree. If a tree has one or more branches that are not producing heathy foliage, it is probably time to give us a call.


If you take a look at a group of trees, you may notice that some trees have a bright and full canopy while other trees look dull and dry. This is a sign that a tree is not getting enough sun, water, or nutritional intake. Sometimes, the dull trees will also start to whither when the trees around it are blocking the sunlight. In cases like these, the tree most likely needs pruning, in order to allow better ingestion.


Trees tend to grow towards the sunlight in order to synthesize food. Limbs that have begun to grow downward can eventually cause major issues. If a limb is growing downward, it is most likely because the limb is bearing too much weight. A downward growing limb needs to be removed to prevent the limb from tearing off of the trunk, causing an open tree wound. A tree wound like this invites bugs and disease directly into the tree’s system. Another and much more serious reaction to a downward growing limb is what is known as a barber chair. A barber chair occurs when a limb falls with enough force to crack the trunk, causing the tree to split in half.

Keep reading to learn more!

When Will A Limb Fall?

If you have trees around your home or business, then you know they are perfect sources of shade on a hot summer day or a beautiful sight in the fall. But are you aware of how likely a limb with fall?

There are many factors that come into play when considering the likelihood of a limb falling and causing damage or serious injury. In a tree’s lifetime (depending on the type) it will naturally shed about six limbs. This does not include natural elements such as storms, high winds, bug infestation, or tree disease. So, in a perfect, bug-free, storm-less world, the chances of a limb falling from a healthy tree are about 8%, for a tree that has a life expectancy of 75 years.